CP Admin
Jun 9, 2021
PRE-ORDER will be open at 10am on Thursday, 10 June 2021 (Malaysia Time)
New solo album by Andy, the popular & frontman of the 90s iconic alternative independant band, Flop Poppy is finally to be released! This awaited album comprises of 8-tracks produced by Andy himself covering various genres of songs composed by him from rock, ballad, 80s disco, blues…just to mention a few.
- Pre-Order Open at 10am on Thursday on 10 June 2021 at 10am, Malaysia Time)
- Delivery to commence on official release date (26 June 2021)
- Order can be made via www.custonesproduction.com with various payment options for delivery
within Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia & Thailand
1/3 profit from the sales of this album will be infaq to Baitu Dhuha Care (No. Pertubuhan: PPM-004-10-14082020)
Only in Compact Disc (CD) format (physical) packaged in BLACK Box with LIMITED COPIES. NOT available on streaming platforms.